超级马里奥兄弟:惊奇..今天《超级马里奥兄弟 惊奇》 Super Mario Bros. Wonder刚出来,yuzu柚子模拟器还没有适配,玩不了。目前只能用最新版的Ryujinx 1.1.1052模拟器游玩。但是这个是国际
最后之战!本王重磅登场 酷霸王城堡 花花群岛 双人超级马里奥:惊奇 SUPER MARIO BROS.WOND 1.4万 15 9:27 App 【超级马力欧兄弟:惊奇】话痨花花合集(二) 1107 1 4:59 App 马里奥惊奇全收集6奖牌纪念 25 -- 0:51 App 小阳光喂食10~看你能转几圈 210 -- 2:09 App 印度华丽雨林~刚蜕完皮 1375 ...
Hi wondering if there is anything for Yuzu yet, thank you for all this! Top ISOHaven Noobzor Posts: 5 Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:11 pm Reputation: 0 Re: Super Mario Bros Wonder (Ryujinx) 0 Post by ISOHaven » Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:23 pm I find high jumps to be super...
超级马里奥兄弟:惊奇..今天《超级马里奥兄弟 惊奇》 Super Mario Bros. Wonder刚出来,yuzu柚子模拟器还没有适配,玩不了。目前只能用最新版的Ryujinx 1.1.1052模拟器游玩。但是这个是国际
超级马里奥兄弟:惊奇 V1.0.1,原版适配yuzu 已使用最适合该游戏运行的模拟器版本(yuzu 4093),并调试完毕。 模拟器固件已升级至17.0.0; 语言 官方简体中文 中文设置:https://www.yuque.com/gameboy-ibdgi/fngrgc/lzuchz YUZU模拟器使用教程(含最新版模拟器下载) ...
Wonder Woman (G2) Zatanna (G2) Green Lantern (G2) Bumblebee (G2) The Invinci-Bros Steve Trevor (G2) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (G2) Hawkman (G2) The Flash (G2) Green Arrow (G2) Aqualad (G2) Batman (G2) Superman (G2) Katana (G2) Hawkgirl (G2) Bugs Bunny Daffy Du...
Waluigi is a character debuting in Mario Tennis. He is the lanky rival of Luigi and a partner of Wario. Since his introduction, Waluigi has been playable only in spinoff games of the Super Mario franchise. He was voiced by Charles Martinet from his...
Wario is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, designed to be an arch-rival to Mario. He is a muscular, hot-tempered, obese, and greedy character, usually playing the role of an anti-hero or an antagonist; he has also gone on to become...
超级马里奥兄弟:惊奇..【横版新作《超级马里奥兄弟 惊奇》模拟器运行 演示Super Mario Bros. Wonder】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1my4y1N7rf/?shar
In the episode "Right, Let's All Die! x I Finally Understand", Seiji and Yuzu save Guri from Hell and travel there by using a passage that strongly resembles a Warp Pipe. Additionally, when Coraly reveals the path to Hell, a sound that loosely resembles the Warp Pipe sound effect can...