Welcome to Super Luigi Bros Mario & Luigi Mega Fansite Maps of levels and worlds from all of your favourite Super Mario Games, sorted by game. Type in the name of the game you would like to find a map from in the filter box and press enter to narrow down your search. ...
《新超级马力欧兄弟U》(日语:New スーパーマリオブラザーズ U,英语:New Super Mario Bros. U,中国大陆官方译为“新 超级马力欧兄弟U”)是一款由任天堂开发并发行在Wii U平台上的平台动作游戏。本作是《新超级马力欧兄弟Wii》的正统续作,也是马力欧系列第一款可以使用
[WiiU]New Super Mario Bros. U-新超级马里奥兄弟. U-大金币收集 2162 3 4:18:16 App [WII经典游戏回顾] 新超级马力2代通关视频 New Super Mario Bros. 2 Worlds 1 - 9 Full Game (100%) 2.8万 6 2:39:03 App 《新超级马力欧兄弟/路易吉 U》全金币/隐藏路易吉/隐藏出口/世界捷径攻略 3042 1 1...
【图文攻略】Newer Super Mario Bros Wii 图文攻略 只看楼主收藏回复 asasaas1 闪光狸猫 13 如需视频攻略请见此:ttp://tieba.baidu.com/p/2499099347最近玩通了这个hack,于是发一个图文攻略供参考参考~游戏总共8+5+1个世界,难度整体而言应该适中(话说Bonus Land都很简单?)。欢迎各种插楼~二楼开始发~ 送TA...
作者官网地址:http://newerteam.com/wii/download.php下载网盘共享:New Super Mario Bros. Wiihttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1b5bcCm 密码:fnbx 6楼2017-03-02 00:32 收起回复 烧魅 知名人士 11 据说作者花了3年时间制作,确实相当完美,连开场演示视频都做了,唯一可以媲美原版的自制版本。 来自iPhone客户端7...
Super Mario Bros. Wii个版本汇总 (持续更新!!!) 只看楼主收藏回复 魔幻子非鱼 初级粉丝 1 送TA礼物 1楼2024-01-06 08:55回复 魔幻子非鱼 初级粉丝 1 2楼2024-01-06 08:58 回复 魔幻子非鱼 初级粉丝 1 3楼2024-01-06 08:58 回复 魔幻子非鱼 初级粉丝 1 4楼2024-01-06 08:59 ...
New Super Mario Bros. Wii: Prima Official Game Guide* Exclusive maps for every world. Every map was created for this guide, you won't find them anywhere else!* Locations for every Star Coin! * Super strategies for tricky levels so you find every nook and cranny! * Full details to...
World 3-Castle is the castle and final level of World 3 in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. It is unlocked by accessing the Goal Pole of World 3-4 after the ! Switch is activated on the World 3 Map. The level introduces Bob-ombs, Ice Walls and Ice Snake...
The mode is also in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, except with different game demos. If the game was released on the Wii U Nintendo eShop, the mode allowed the player to purchase the full title. The Masterpieces are listed below: GameTime limitMenu ArtworkOther changes Super Mario Bros. (NES...