The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Directed by Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic, Pierre Leduc, Fabien Polack. With Kevin Michael Richardson, Jack Black, Khary Payton, Chris Pratt. A plumber named Mario travels through an underground labyrinth with his brother Lu
上映时间2023年04月05日(内地)导演 Aaron Horv...迈克尔·耶列尼茨 又名超级马里奥兄弟 Super Mario Bros.: The... 编剧 Matt Fogel 主演 克里斯·帕拉特安雅·泰勒-乔伊查理·戴杰克·布莱克科甘·迈克尔·凯 剧情 影片改编自任天堂经典游戏。企鹅冰雪王国遭到入侵能否逆袭?马力欧和他的兄弟路易吉如何拯救世界?....
The Super Mario Bros. Movie(2023) Charlie Day: Luigi Showing all 110 items Jump to: Photos(101) Quotes(9) Photos 78 more photos Quotes Donkey Kong:[after Bowser shrunk]Ha! He got the Blue Mushroom! Mario:[to Princess Peach]See? Told you I'd get you a pet turtle. ...
Super Mario react to Bowser vs Eggman Death Battle. || 虚岁希望被遗忘之人 3914 2 Crucis Mortem NEW UPDATE (Mario Bros 2. Horror-Game) | Full Gameplay! 非常屑的105254 2135 35 Super Mario Bros. 2 Anti-Piracy Screen (Remastered): Meet L - World 1-3 sonic和mario 1882 24 [EXO KAI...
《超级马力欧兄弟大电影》(英语:The Super Mario Bros. Movie,香港译《超级玛利欧兄弟大电影》,马来西亚、新加坡、台湾译《超级玛利欧兄弟电影版》)是一部2023年美日合制电脑动画冒险电影,由照明娱乐和任天堂共同制作、环球影业发行。该片改编自任天堂的《马力欧》游戏系列,由亚伦·霍尔维斯和迈克尔·杰勒尼克共同执导,...
‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ can only power up so far. Chris Pratt, Seth Rogen, Charlie Day and Jack Black are among the voice cast for a movie that will mostly only make younger viewers shout “wahoo!” In theaters now, ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ brings the world of the Ni...
January 11, 2023 Today, we're so pleased to announce the release ofTrust the Fungus: The 1993 SMB Movie Fanzine--the very firstSuper Mario fandom/community driven fanzine! The team over at@sewerzinescompletely outdid themselves by organizing a fantastic team of artists and writers ...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) 超级马力欧兄弟大电影 - PG - 1h 32m - 1080p, mp4, srt外挂英文字幕 - Universal Pictures The story of The Super Mario Bros. on their journey through the Mushroom ...
FULL REVIEW 20 Austin Chronicle Apr 4, 2023 But in going to such great lengths to avoid that film’s grim weirdness, the Super Mario Bros. Movie filmmakers have flattened the concept into benign nothingness. They’ve course corrected into the side of a mountain. There’s no heartbeat here...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Directed by Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic, Pierre Leduc, Fabien Polack. With Kevin Michael Richardson, Jack Black, Khary Payton, Chris Pratt. A plumber named Mario travels through an underground labyrinth with his brother Lu