The Super Mario series is a line of platform games and the biggest and most prominent series in the Super Mario franchise. It started in 1985 with Super Mario Bros. on the Family Computer and subsequently the Nintendo Entertainment System, which has...
If you loved that (who wouldn't?) and would like some more classicNintendo NESgaming action with the famous plumbing duo we recommend trying other games from this series likeSuper Mario Bros. 7 V0.1 (SMW1 Hack),Super Mario Bros. 2and the third to the throneSuper Mario Bros. 3! Get ...
This is the ultimate website for anyone who loves to play Super Mario Bros games on their computer. All the best mario roms, hacks, and games can be found here. We have so many different versions of Super Mario and Mario Kart as well as classic NES roms
金币3:过中点后会看到2个水管,进右边的(如图)这里拿第三个金币1-1 结束1-2 Yoshi Woods Yoshi森林金币1:进如图水管,然后再进隐藏水管,里面拿金币金币2:过中点旗后看到这里有隐藏图层,这里拿金币金币3:进如图砖块下水管(图中我已经进去了),打败里面的怪拿金币1-2结束 通过百度相册上传3楼2013-08-30 08:...
There are no shortage of ways to play Super Mario Bros. these days. Emulation in all of its various official and unofficial forms has taken care of that. Virtually everything with a processor more capable than the NES’s 6502 can play host to the Mushroom Kingdom, however, machines more ...
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Mario Super is trendy, 346,073 total plays already! Play this Mario Bros game for free and prove your worth. Enjoy Mario Super now!
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