九位选手缠斗了很久,韩国选手Kim Young Hoon成为决赛桌首位出局的选手,手持4♣️7♣️不敌对手的口袋9♥️9♦️,被发出来7♠️3♣️2♦️8♦️J♣️的公共牌面,无奈带走开幕赛第9名。 (Kim Young Hoon) 又经过一番争斗,第8名选手在临近休息时间之际被淘汰出局,依旧是韩国选手...
1994 新日本摔角 Super J Cup-01 是在优酷播出的体育高清视频,于2011-06-10 11:00:35上线。视频内容简介:1994 新日本摔角 Super J Cup-01
1995 新日本摔角 Super J Cup-02 是在优酷播出的体育高清视频,于2011-06-10 20:34:56上线。视频内容简介:1995 新日本摔角 Super J Cup-02
Super J-Cup: 6th Stage was the sixth Super J-Cup professional wrestling single-elimination tournament produced by New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW). It was a two-night event, taking place on July 20, 2016 and August 21, 2016. The first round held on July 20 took place at the Korakuen Hal...
解释NJPW的SUP..SUPER J CUP是NJPW举办的另一个JR主题的联赛,但是他不是积分制,而是单回合淘汰制,就像WWE的KING OF THE RING一样。意思就是说只要输一次,就和联赛说再见了。SUPER J
Super J-Cup 2020 – First Round: Blake Christian pinned Rey Horus in 12:00 (***¼) Super J-Cup 2020 – First Round: El Phantasmo pinned Lio Rush in 15:16 (***½) Danny Limelight & JR Kratos pinned Rocky Romero & Fred Rosser in 12:49 (***) ...
〔SUPER J-CUP〕首轮战罢,图中红线获胜的选手将晋级下一轮,战败的选手则直接淘汰,无缘下一轮。第二轮对阵表也随即发布!你最关注哪一场对决呢?💥#njpw# O网页链接 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 转发 6 ñ5 ...
The second annual Super J Cup was held in Tokyo, Japan. A super tournament that saw wrestlers from five different promotions in 3 different countries, the first Super J Cup in 1994 was such a success that another was quickly held. This one was sponsored by WAR, which explains the number ...
【WAR/NJPW】Super J Cup 1995.12.13 半决赛 :兽神莱卡 vs 终极龙( Liger vs. Ultimo Dragon ) 299 -- 18:15 App WAR Ultimo Dragon vs Great Sasuke (7-17-94) 585 -- 21:52 App 金本浩二 & 田中稔 vs 大谷晋二郎 & 高岩竜一 509 1 19:36 App NJPW - 究极龙 VS 大谷晋二郎 1996 160...
在线看NJPW. Super J Cup 2019 Day 1 22.08.2019 2小时 51分钟 57秒。11 9月 2019的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 179 — 已浏览。 10 — 已评价。