In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Gohan initially takes on his Super Saiyan form in rage when he sees the footage that shows Pan having been kidnapped by the resurgent Red Ribbon Army. He later transforms once more into the form while facing Gamma 1, though he is at a disadvantage at fi...
A city girl who grew up on Manhattan's Lower East Side, "The Golden Girls" legend may be remembered as an even bigger hero off the screen than on it. During her time in the public eye, Getty made sure to use her impactful voice to fight for the rights of marginalized social groups ...
While working underground to fix a water main, Brooklyn plumbers Mario (Chris Pratt; Jurassic World and The LEGO Movie franchises) and brother Luigi (Charlie Day; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) are transported down a mysterious pipe and wander into a magical new world. But when the brot...
Aidyistherealhero. 他拒绝了天降之财 Sheturneddownafortune. 你觉得他会试图 Doyouthinkthathesgonnatry 去买hearts;hearts;其他人的领土吗? andbuysomebodyelsesland? 不会的 No. 毕竟我们现在这样站出来反对他 Notafterthewaytheystooduptohim. 我是说你真应该看看那个场景莎拉 Imean,youshouldhaveseenit,Sara...
Andafterallthistimeoffpretendingtobeahero, 却做不到真正成为一个英雄 Ijustcouldntdoit. 莎拉我甚至还差得远呢 Sarah,Ididntevencomeclose. 但是我不知道我应该做什么 ButnowIdontknowwhatImsupposedtodo. 好吧 Okay. 忘记你应该做什么 Forgetwhatyouresupposedtodo. 你想做什么? Whatdoyouwannado? 请在哔声后...
hero academiafinal fantasy xvfirefly serenityfnaf legofunko batmanfunko harry potterfunko pop terrorgame cubegel blaster accessoriesgirl barbiegiropharegoldorak figurinegrimlock transformerhell starhello kitty bedhello kitty christmas ornamentshello kitty office supplieshello kitty plush keychainhello kitty ...
Youweretryingtobeahero,andnowDadsdeadl 我爸死了我再也见不到他了 Mydadisdead,andInevergettoseehimagain! 搞什么? Whatthehell? 兄弟 Dude. 你有超能力 Yougotpowers. 是的 Yes. 我不敢相信他已经在飞了 Icantbelievehesflyingalready. 是啊他就是个天才-这不是比赛 Yeah,well,hesanatural.Thisisntacon...
Heiswithoutaheart.Hisbodycanhealitself. 他不能创造新的器官 Hecannotcreateneworgans. 奶奶说如果我们能得到爸的心脏也许能把他带回来 GrandmomsaidthatwemightbeabletobringDadbackifwecangethisheart. 我还没准备好 Iwasn'tready. 现在我们再也找不回他了 Andnowwecannevergethimback. 你能真正解释一个人对你...
Aidyistherealhero. 他拒绝了天降之财 Sheturneddownafortune. 你觉得他会试图 Doyouthinkthathesgonnatry 去买hearts;hearts;其他人的领土吗? andbuysomebodyelsesland? 不会的 No. 毕竟我们现在这样站出来反对他 Notafterthewaytheystooduptohim. 我是说你真应该看看那个场景莎拉 Imean,youshouldhaveseenit,Sara...
Youweretryingtobeahero,andnowDadsdeadl 我爸死了我再也见不到他了 Mydadisdead,andInevergettoseehimagain! 搞什么? Whatthehell? 兄弟 Dude. 你有超能力 Yougotpowers. 是的 Yes. 我不敢相信他已经在飞了 Icantbelievehesflyingalready. 是啊他就是个天才-这不是比赛 ...