Model of a prototype tank the US Army build in the late 1940's. I am planning on putting this into a mod over the summer as i have no time right now. Sorry for no texture I also haven't had any time to put this through Gimp. Share 9 comments Pages 1 ihazbadluck supporter...
T28 Super Heavy Tank being loaded onto a flatbed trailer.@镜头捕获女人-viper
发点T28/T95 super heavy tank 的照片,标题要长。。。 只看楼主 收藏 回复 打赏 德意志的铁拳 敢死队员 7 四条履带的大家伙主要数据最喜欢下面这张了,特有喜感,猜猜看前面的坦克型号和人体比较下够大吧,不过28是个不切实际的产物,废掉了,仅存的一辆在 巴顿博物馆放着呢 () 打赏 回复 1楼 2011-05-...
A reason for building the O-I is giving by LWG. By 1944, the war situation for Japan has become desperate. Some information about super heavy tank development in Germany has come to Japan and that rekindled the idea for a super powerful tank. Thus development restarted on a new super heav...
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