was one of the memes attacking the kingdom of Thundera and Mario's face can be seen in the background of the Internet world. In The Celebrity Ape-rentice, Donkey Kong appeared as one of the contestants with Mojo Jojo (The Powerpuff Girls) and Caesar (Rise of the Planet of the Apes...
Despite the game's negative reception, Hotel Mario has amassed a cult following over time for the alleged "so bad it's good" nature of its animation and voice acting; many Internet memes, specifically YouTube Poops, were created because of the perceived poor quality. Marc Graue, the game...
The chronological order even tells a story: the last two weeks in election news, with a heavy dose of debate memes. The first is from September 3rd and includes a longer-than-usual preamble: On one hand, this is just funny: Someone (presumably an insider since they had access) derailed ...
29721je1_808_Thankful for the happy times 29821je1_808_Hard work takes him to the top 29921je1_808_Bye bye, fish bones 30021je1_808_An everyday superhero 30121je1_808_A greener Beijing 30221je1_807_Wearing memes on the runway
our favourite Mario title and hold it up and say that no matter what comes next, this one will always be our top choice. That's one of the great things about growing up and experiencing new things; it gives you such greater appreciation for the things that made you so happy long ago....