3D-SIM imaging map data showed that basal foot molecular architecture is only partially conserved between motile and primary cilia (Figure 6B; Table S4). Similar to primary cilia, NIN and CEP170 are located in region III, together with γ-tubulin and NEDD1, components of the γTuRC MT nucle...
A paper topo map is still important! We prefer printed topographic quadrangles at 1:24.000. Store in a Ziploc bag. High quality prints can be purchased on waterproof paper. You can also use online mapping software like Gaia GPS or CalTopo to print your maps freely. Nat Geo maps are nice...
has emerged as a promising approach to capture the nearly full spectrum of genetic diversity of crops and their wild relatives14,15. Recent genomic advances in tomato include a pangenome of 725 tomato accessions constructed using short reads13, a pan-SV map built from Oxford Nanopore long reads...
However, these blocks are not as fine-tuned as the single-feature blocks. While they offer a lot of blocks, they may not be as robust. Another disadvantage of using block suites is that they can add unnecessary clutter to your block list. With that said, let’s look at the best ...
In this corner, in the pink and purple trunks, with the orange ruffles, weighing in at 90,000 pounds each, the totally-terrible toothsome, titanic, thunderous, thumping, throttling, towering, thrusting, threatening, top-heavy, top-notch, top-flight, tip-toe, tip-top, top-tip-" "Wait!
Pro Tip: If your boat has a large gaping hole, you may want to fix it with an acrylic, laminate, or fiberglass patch. Apply resin before adding another layer of fiberglass cloth. You can repeat the process until you have secured the hole. ...
They made a Magical Map to the stars, and to stop evil from using it, they put it in a box that could only be opened by the pure of heart. The merchant in the opening scene of the game has the box and gives it to Princess Peach. The Toad was exhausted from his journey and ...
These SPs have remarkably narrow size distributions, so that the properties of single SPs reliably map onto the properties of the ensemble. Additional thermal annealing drives the crystallization of the 'core' MNPs into a highly ordered supercrystal with an ideal fcc superlattice. The CS-SPs can ...
Heat map profiles of tags representing genes involved in Ca2+-dependent signalling, general signal transduction, transcription regulation, protein-protein interactions, stress, ABA-dependent signalling, drought-response, damage and repair responses, and chromatin organization. Full size image Figure 6 Heat...