According to Google Map, this same address is Visalia, CA for Valley Fuel Travel Plaza but also Goshen, CA for Burger King. The stalls spread out from the Burger King to Starbucks parking lots 6 stalls at the Burger King: Another 7 stalls next to the Starbucks'...
#fresno #california #us #三明治 #培根 #生菜 #沙拉 #番茄 有帮助 跟随 添加报告 分享 C Cumhuriyet Mahallesi,Sunstar Beach Hotel,Selahattin Yaman Caddesi,阿拉尼亚/安塔利亚,土耳其 2周前 •reported by user-cqbz9491 • 细节 酒店的食物中毒我们三个人有腹泻 1 伴有呕吐和腹泻 1 个是...