演示版本:基岩版(Windows): 演示机型:联想Y9000X(3060) 1:模组名称:漫威超级英雄V1.0 2:模组作者:ArathNido 3:模组介绍:增添大量来自漫威角色的超能力和服装,还会加入各种各样全新的机制、物品、可供探索的新建筑、敌人、BOSS等等. 4:支持版本:1.21.X 5:更新时间:2024年11月14日 6:模组下载: [UP...
Tanya would probably be in the top 5 design-wise, if her light novel design was used for the anime – but for this ranking I’m using all animes as a baseline, so no. But she deserves a mention here for sure! 24. Tatsumaki Anime: One Punch Man No one can take this hurricane wi...
Originally airing in the 1960s, "Speed Racer" is an anime adapted from Tatsuo Yoshida's Japanese manga by Tatsunoko Productions. It premiered on ABC in the United States and would become one of the earliest animes to become popular stateside. While the dubbing is a bit of a mess, with i...
I'm Obiwan, big Star Wars/Mario/Snufit fanatic! I'm new at this, but I hope I can help the community! So... Animes I like; Digimon, Original Season of Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Shaman King, One Piece, Zatch Bell, Naruto, and Cyborg 009. Video Games I like;...
Kyoto Animation has worked on many beloved animes, including K-On!, Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star, Inu Yasha and A Silent Voice. You can help! Sentai Filmworks has organized a GoFundMe to donate to KyoAni ROBOTECH AT SAN DIEGO COMIC CON! Robotech will be at San Diego Comic-Con on July ...