访问社交媒体:AustralianSuper可能在社交媒体平台上设有官方账号。会员可以通过这些平台与AustralianSuper取得联系,并询问关于登录问题的帮助。 无论选择哪种方式,会员都应该提供尽可能详细的信息,以便AustralianSuper能够更快地解决问题并恢复对账户的访问权限。
Accessing your super on the go has never been easier with the AustralianSuper mobile app. You can manage your super, anywhere, anytime.
AS为会员设置三种账户: (1)一般超级年金账户(super account,以下简称super),是会员在未达到最低领取年龄前的账户,用于缴费和投资。 (2)退休过渡账户(Transition To Retirement,以下简称TTR),是会员在达到最低领取年龄(Preservation Age)后,一边工作一边...
AS为会员设置三种账户: (1)一般超级年金账户(super account,以下简称super),是会员在未达到最低领取年龄前的账户,用于缴费和投资。 (2)退休过渡账户(Transition To Retirement,以下简称TTR),是会员在达到最低领取年龄(Preservation Age)后,一边工作一边领取超级年金的账户,为向完全退休过渡。申请TTR账户需要达到最低领...
Find out how to join AustralianSuper, open a Choice Income account or a Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account.
You can speak with an advice team member for Simple Personal Advice¹ on your AustralianSuper account, including investment choice, adding extra to your super, personal insurance, retirement income options and more, call 1300 300 273. Back to the AustralianSuper website...
2. 点击myGov后,进入myGov界面,点击createa myGove account创建myGov帐号,对于已经有myGov帐号的小伙伴可以跳过这一步(可以直接到第8步)。 3. 进入myGov帐号创建页面,第一步,在第一个箭头处填入您的邮箱,并勾选I acceptthe myGov terms of use。 4.创建myGov帐号第二步,将邮箱收到的验证码填入框中。
观点网讯:5月24日,澳洲最大养老基金Australian Super首席信息官Mark Delaney在投资会议上表示,AustralianSuper之前的房地产投资策略似乎是一个失误。他表示,原先的策略是增持零售资产,并持有更多国际地产,而非澳洲地产。目前看来,这两个都是错误的决定。当房地产表现不佳时,会很难摆脱它。基金目前的应对措施是...
• Be notified when a payment goes into your super account • View and download your digital member card • Set up a PIN, Touch ID or Face ID to make logging in even easier To use this app, you must be an AustralianSuper member and have registered for online access. To register,...