Add login code to your client app# Make sure you're using the rightsupabaseclient in the following code. If you're not using Server-Side Rendering or cookie-based Auth, you can directly use thecreateClientfrom@supabase/supabase-js. If you're using Server-Side Rendering, see theServer-Side...
Use at runtime in Deno# You can use supabase-js in the Deno runtime via JSR: 1 import { createClient } from 'jsr:@supabase/supabase-js@2' Initializing Create a new client for use in the browser. You can initialize a new Supabase client using the createClient() method. The Supabase...
import{PostgrestClient}from'@supabase/postgrest-js'constREST_URL='http://localhost:3000'constpostgrest=newPostgrestClient(REST_URL) select(): insert(): ...
supabase-js- Isomorphic JavaScript Client for Supabase. Documentation: TypeDoc: Usage First of all, you need to install the library: npm install @supabase/supabase-js ...
support of thesupabase-pylibrary for all CRUD interactions with a databaseSupabase Python Docs Ai & Vectors: TBC how we could integrate with theirpython client Solution Brainstorm There is a3rd party integrationfor their Node.js library, for reference. ...
Client libraries JavaScript Docs See GitHub Flutter Docs See GitHub Python Community C# Community Swift Docs See GitHub Kotlin Community Example projects Expo Starter Template bottom tabs with auth flow (Typescript) NestJS example NestJS example using Supabase Auth ...
supabase-jssupabase-jsPublic An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. Query your Supabase database, subscribe to realtime events, upload and download files, browse typescript examples, invoke postgres functions via rpc, i… TypeScript3.5k304 ...
然后安装@supabase/supabase-js并初始化: import{createClient}from'@supabase/supabase-js'// 你的服务器+端口: 自建服务时候,记得要新建入方向规则安全策略组哦,不然服务器默认只能被访问到 80/443/22 等等端口// 具体怎么建,你需要看看你的服务商操作文档constsupabaseUrl=im...
当你创建完后,会提供 Client ID,与 Client secret,将这两个值填写到 supabase 中,并启用。 此时打开如下页面,将 Site URL 替换成开发环境,或是线上环境,在 Github 登录后将会跳转到这个地址上 此时supabase 支持 github 登录就已经配置完毕,当你在前端触发登录按钮后,借助supabase 的 js 库,如 ...
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'; // 创建Supabase客户端实例 const supabase = createClient('your-supabase-url', 'your-supabase-key'); // 执行JSON查询 const query = supabase .from('table_name') .select('column_name') .eq('json_column->>key', 'value'); // 处理...