(1)安装 Supabase 命令行 - Installing the Supabase CLI# macOS 以本机为示例,其他平台暂不操作 Install the CLI withHomebrew: 通过Homebrew 安装命令行工具: brew install supabase/tap/supabase 安装完毕 (2)更新 Supabase 命令行 - Updating the Supabase CLI# When a newversionis released, you can update...
Local Development & CLI Learn how to develop locally and use the Supabase CLIDevelop locally while running the Supabase stack on your machine.Quickstart#Install the Supabase CLI: npmyarnpnpmbrew 1 npm install supabase --save-dev In your repo, initialize the Supabase project: npmyarnpnpmbrew 1 ...
Supabase提供了多种方式来安装本地开发环境,其中一种是通过Docker Compose和Supabase CLI。以下步骤基于Docker Compose的方式。 a. 拉取Supabase仓库(可选) 虽然Supabase提供了Docker镜像,但如果你需要从源代码构建或者想要获取最新更新,可以拉取Supabase的GitHub仓库。 bash git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/s...
go install github.com/supabase/cli@latest Add a symlink to the binary in$PATHfor easier access: ln -s"$(go env GOPATH)/bin/cli"/usr/bin/supabase This works on other non-standard Linux distros. Community Maintained Packages Available viapkgx. Package scripthere. To install in your working...
go install github.com/supabase/cli@latest Add a symlink to the binary in$PATHfor easier access: ln -s"$(go env GOPATH)/bin/cli"/usr/bin/supabase This works on other non-standard Linux distros. Community Maintained Packages Available viapkgx. Package scripthere. To install in your working...
Installthe Supabase CLI 1.22.0+. Log into your Supabase account using the CLI. If your project was created before 23rd December 2022, it will need to beupgraded to the latest Supabase versionbefore Network Restrictions can be used. Ensure that you haveOwner or Admin permissionsfor the project...
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io 8.使用通用 docker.io 安装Docker sudo apt-get install docker.io 9.验证安装 docker --version 10.启动Docker服务 #开启服务 sudo systemctl start docker #开机自启动 sudo systemctl enable docker #检测状态 sudo systemctl status docker 11....
go install github.com/supabase/cli@latest Add a symlink to the binary in $PATH for easier access: ln -s "$(go env GOPATH)/cli" /usr/bin/supabase This works on other non-standard Linux distros. Run the CLI supabase help Docs Command & config reference can be found here. Breaking chan...
对于想要提供第三方登录,supabse 集成多数平台(除了国内),只需要提供 Clinet ID, Client Secret, Redirect URL 便可完成第三方登录。 这里演示下如何使用 Github,首先到打开New OAuth Application (github.com)创建一个OauthApps,其中 Authorization callback URL 由 supabase 提供,如下图。
$ sudo yum install -y yum-utils$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo6.1.5、安装 Docker 引擎安装 Docker Engine、containerd 和 Docker Compose:要安装最新版本,请运行:$ sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-build...