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英文原文:I love three things in this world 出处:《暮光之城》作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔 上下文英文:I love three things in this world:sun,moon and you。Sun for morning,moon for night, and you forever。上下文文言翻译:世之万物,吾爱有三:一为日,二为月,三为汝;日出昼也,月升夜也,爱汝...
Verse1:第一段 Itookthesun,Broughtitdowntotheearth我得到了太阳,击落他到了大地 Itooktheair,andbottleditup我得到了空气,把他憋在心里 Igaveyoutheworld,gaveyoumyall我给你全世界,给你我的一切 Ithoughtyoudeservedsummer,spring,andfall我想你值得夏天,春天,和秋天 Guessitwastoomuch,andIpushedyouaway想了太...
I love three things in the world, the sun the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever. 在这个世界我只喜欢三件事,太阳 ,月亮,和你。 太阳是为了白天而存在,月亮是为了夜晚,而你对我来说是永恒的...