Sun Yang an unknown swimmer for quite a long time.A.used to beingB.used to used to beD.was used to be 答案 B考查固定搭配辨析。used to do过去常常做某事, be used to doing习惯于做某事, be used to do被用来做某事。故答案选B。相关推荐 1Sun Yang an unknown swimmer for quite a...
Wu Y, Zhang F, Yang K, Fang S, Bu D, Li H, Sun L, Hu H, Gao K, Wang W, Zhou X,Zhao Y‡, Chen J‡. (2019) SymMap: an integrative database of traditional Chinese medicine enhanced by symptom mapping.Nucleic Acids Res.(Impact Factor:11.56)...
doi:10.1016/s0275-1062(97)88470-6ELSEVIERChinese Astronomy & Astrophysics
torch_musa is an open source repository based on PyTorch, which can make full use of the super computing power of MooreThreads graphics cards. - sunyanguomt/torch_musa
Yang-Ping YaoDe'An SunAmerican Society of Civil EngineersJournal of Engineering MechanicsYao Y P, Sun D A. Application of Lade's criterion to Cam-clay model (Closure). J Engrg Mech, ASCE, 2001, 127(6): 631–633Yao, Y. P., and Sun...
999+999+ 综影视:春色如何 瑜生瑜 999+999+ 孤注一掷:九敏,穿越即被拐 还在看在你身边 999+999+ 孤注一掷:湮灭黑暗 橙子橘 999+999+ 孙阳:缱绻之恋 虞熙熙 999+999+ 孤注一掷:安然无恙 瑶瑶江上客i 999+999+ 孤注一掷神豪系统助我闯缅
Yang Liwei,China's first astronaut,along with other space experts was invited to give a speech and answer the students' questions on a range of topics.One student asked if a sunflower turns its face to the sun 16 times a day since the station orbits the Earth the...
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