MrSunyalan,Never be manipulated by emotions🕶️。MrSunyalan的微博主页、个人资料、相册。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。
MrSunyalan 23-02-16 01:07 发布于 英国 来自 iPhone 13 Pro 情人节这样过 (🍔好吃到哭 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ7 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 407关注 1919粉丝 218微博 微关系 她的关注(397) Karen莫文蔚 王...
'Rusian':{'mosque':{'ei':{'mi':['dei','dei','bue']}}} } back_flag=False exit_flag=False while not back_flag and not exit_flag: for key,v in enumerate(menu,1): print(key,v) choice=input('>>:').strip() if choice in menu: while not back_flag and not exit_flag: for ...
st.find('e') :find first element and return index value st.format(0) : formatting string assignment element for value usage: for example :st='hello kitty {'name'}' st.format(name='alan') st='hello world {name} is {age}' st.format(name='alan',age=30) st.format_map({}) st.i...
set () :use to intersection,union set ,aperation to achieve our goal a=set('suny) a.add('go‘)。old set ,have four elements:'s','u','n','y' renew set :have five elements:'s','u;,'n','y','go' a.update('go').old set hvae four elements:'s',;u;,'n;,;y; ...
python:practice function return def add(*args): sum=0 for i in args: sum+=i add(1,2,3,4) print(add) # nano def add(*args): sum=0 for i in args: sum+=i return sum,123,[1,2,3] add(1,2,3,4) print notice if return multiple -object will be wrapper as a tulpe to ...
built-in function,is python already prepar for us ,anytime we can call built-in function when we needed it . all() dict() help() all([1,2,'') eval('1+2+3') filter(function,sequence) filter object filter iterator map(function,sequence) ...
python:practice encode decode chinese Ascii ---unicode--utf-8 The history of compute programe develpement,as long as compute programing language. The C++,Java,Javascript,python,eclipse,ktolin,so on. ASCII( American standard code international information) is the first computer binary encode,...
number = number -1 + number -2 this is fibo disciplinarian: def array_fibo(n): if n<=2: return n return array_fibo(n-1)+fibo(n-2) print(array_fibo(n)) or : def array_fibo(n): if n==1: return 0 if n==2: return 1 ...