SunVote 中天电子智慧课堂互动教学系统答题反馈应答上课学生选择器问答测验统计无线抢答器 售价¥1545 累计销量:0 件 1545 元 去天猫购买 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝网完成,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请联系卖家「SunVote旗舰店」,如需删除此页面请联系本站>> ...
“SunVote答题器是一个很好的工具用来吸引学生,在课堂上进行有趣的辩论”。 "With SunVote Student Click, all students participate actively during the lecture showing a lot of interest in my class", "SunVote Click is a great tool to engage students and create interesting debates during class". Sun...
中天电子SunVote 发布于 2018-05-07 10:38:58 阅读数:3 课堂互动反馈系统(Studentresponse systems)是帮助老师快速收集并分析学生对课堂上问题反馈的教学技术。 互动反馈系统(ResponseÚ 微博精彩 热门微博热门话题 名人堂微博会员 微相册微游戏 微指数
“SunVote答题器是一个很好的工具用来吸引学生,在课堂上进行有趣的辩论”。 "With SunVote Student Click, all students participate actively during the lecture showing a lot of interest in my class", "SunVote Click is a great tool to engage students and create interesting debates during class". Sun...