Public health A transparent substance lotion or cream containing oxybenzone and dioxybenzone, which absorbs or scatters UVB light, to ↓ the risk of actinic-related CA. See SPF rating Cf Melanoma,Sunblock, Tanning salon,Ultraviolet light.
Product name Private Label Tanning Lotion Cream Face Bronzer Main function Lip moisturizing, hydrating, removing lip line, nourishing, lip care. Brand Customized Supplier Type Manufacture direct sale. MOQ 10000 to begin for private label Service OEM/ODM...
OEM Tanning lotion Product Description With organic plant formula This super moisturizing, smudge-free lotion will smooth the skin and gradually develop a soft, natural tan. Installation Instructions Product Name Tanning lotion Specif...
"Studies show that we put on sun lotion too thinly so we only get about a quarter of the protection stated on the bottle. But choosing a high SPF helps counter this." Look for a high UVA star rating of at least three, preferably four. When the star rating system first came out in...