字体: 小 中 大 超大 评论 收藏 分享: VIP智库 最新文章 共272篇 贪叔:无间震荡,油市终将一剑开天门 贪叔:柳暗花明!白银下一站别有洞天 贪叔:倒反天罡!黄金季候妖风来袭 贪叔:多空极限交锋!黄金恐高症何时痊愈 贪叔:虚虚实实,沙特暗扛油市大旗 推荐阅读 当“黑天鹅”降临:2025年可能颠覆世界的七...
Sunshine Profits is built around the belief that we are in a secular bull market in all commodities and that precious metals will be among its greatest beneficiaries. Having established long term trends, our investment strategy focuses on evaluating low-risk entry points, as well as timing ...
贵金属分析师、Sunshine Profits创始人兼主编Przemyslaw Radomski指出,从上周五到周三(2月21日)行情来看,黄 金价 格大幅反弹至2024美元,已重返美国消费者物价指数(CPI)发布前的水平。但他强调,美元指数长期走低的拐点未形成,因此仍阻碍黄金看涨趋势。 Przemyslaw表示,黄金价格确实走高,消除了CPI公布后的每日跌幅,它形成...
SIGN UP HERE SUNSHINE PROFITS We’re here to help. If something about a particular part of our website, or analysis is not clear, please let us know and we’ll strive to clarify. Most questions that we receive are already replied in our FAQ section, so the odds are that you may get...
汇通财经APP讯——Sunshine Profits分析师:2020年宏观经济环境对黄金的支持可能会比2019年少,这可能会限制黄金的涨幅;不过美联储的政策走向、美国的财政政策以及美元的走势仍是潜在的利多因素,黄金仍有望上探1700美元 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与汇通财经无关。汇通财经对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对...
汇通财经APP讯——SunshineProfits分析师Przemyslaw Radomski:若2011年走势重演,金价可能在11月先扬后抑 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与汇通财经无关。汇通财经对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证,且不构成任何投资建议,请读者仅作参考,并自行承担全...
汇通财经APP讯—— 贵金属分析师、Sunshine Profits创始人兼主编Przemyslaw Radomski指出,从上周五到周三(2月21日)行情来看,黄金价格大幅反弹至2030美元,已重返美国消费者物价指数( CPI )发布前的水平。... 网页链接
A tightening cycle is a cycle of interest rate hikes. The Fed tightens its monetary policy by raising the federal funds rate to curb inflation if it is rising too quickly. In normal times, the U.S. central bank controlled the federal funds rate by changing the supply of reserves via ...
C. Penney's 2005 holiday season outlook. Ken Hicks, Penney's president and chief merchandising officer, characterized the company's holiday outlook as cautiously optimistic. At least two analysts maintained a bullish view on J. C. Penney, even as the retailer offered a conservative outlook, ...