阳光海岸度假酒店 (Sunshine Coast Resort) 4等级(最高为5等级) 12695 Sunshine Coast Hwy, 马德拉公园, 马德拉公园(BC), 加拿大, V0N 2H0 - 查看地图 住宿位于马德拉公园(BC)马德拉公园的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 这家酒店的设施十分完善,可大大提升您的住宿品质,为旅程增添...
阳光海岸sunshine coast 是加拿大bc省南部一个地区,海岸线177公里之长,名为阳光海岸但并不是海岛,是bc省陆地的一部分,因崎岖的山脉阻隔了与之连接的道路,需乘渡轮或海上飞机抵达。岛上风光绮丽,阳光充沛,是夏日度假休闲的好去处!旅游派精心安排阳光海岸三日之旅行程,带您去沐浴温暖的阳光,漫步美丽的海岸,探索神秘...
RV Park & Campground in Garden Bay, BC's Sunshine Coast, with fully serviced sites & amenities. We are in Pender Harbour, a popular boating area with stores, restaurants and more. Right next to us is The Garden Bay Marine Provincial Park, and all that n
Discovery Place Retreat: Luxury Accommodations and Meeting Rooms, Suites and Cottage on the Sunshine Coast of BC Minutes fromGibsons,Davis Bay, andSechelton the Sunshine Coast of BC; distinguished and set apart by beauty, luxury, style, exceptional hospitality and sumptuous cuisine, Discovery Place ...
What dining options are provided at Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort? Start off your day with Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort's available dining options such as Buffet in restaurant to explore what's offered at this property! Does Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort offer spa services? You can benefit from...
阳光海岸度假酒店(Sunshine Coast Resort) 12695 Sunshine Coast Hwy, 马德拉公园, 加拿大显示地图 开业:2018若想要游览马德拉公园,阳光海岸度假酒店将会是一个不错的的住宿之选。从酒店很方便到达彭德港机场,仅有500m距离。FibreWorks Studio & Gallery位于几步之遥的地方。酒店邻近多个热门旅游景点,包括Francis Point ...
在加拿大的SunshineCoast赏海景品鲜蚝 BC省的Sunshine Coast遍地黄金,不少内海与inlet的沙滩上野生生蚝多的是,究其原因,与这一带杳无人烟亦无污染有莫大关系。如果阁下曾到Sunshine Coast游玩,必然会发觉不少小海湾里,都会看到一排又一排蓝色的大胶桶东倒西歪悬浮于海面。静静告诉你,这些浮桶下面,正是串串肥美生...
双水域诺富特度假酒店 - 阳光海岸(Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort)酒店信息 携程网为您提供双水域诺富特度假酒店 - 阳光海岸(Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort)预订价格查询,涵盖该酒店电话、地址、交通、地图、点评以及双湖城、双湖城信息,使您入住双湖城更放心更省心。查看全部 预订快捷入口 泰国酒店 韩国酒店 日本酒店 马来...
What public parks are within range of Oaks Sunshine Coast Seaforth Resort? While staying at Oaks Sunshine Coast Seaforth Resort, cherish your early morning or evening stroll at nearby park which include Nelson Park, Buhk Family Park, and Nowingi Park. What are the property's policies for chil...
BC省的Sunshine Coast遍地黄金,不少内海与inlet的沙滩上野生生蚝多的是,究其原因,与这一带杳无人烟亦无污染有莫大关系。如果阁下曾到Sunshine Coast游玩,必然会发觉不少小海湾里,都会看到一排又一排蓝色的大胶桶东倒西歪悬浮于海面。静静告诉你,这些浮桶下面,正是串串肥美生蚝栖身之所。