Guava fruit were harvested in a farm at Tan An village, Vinh Cuu district, Dong Nai province. The fruit was washed and drained then dipped in solution and drained. Guava fruit were kept under normal laboratory conditions to investigate the dry-matter loss and spoilage between the samples and ...
Zhenxiang Zhang, Junying Sun, Hongjie Hu, Quanming Wang, Xuanyong Liu. Osteoblast-like cell adhesion on porous silicon-incorporated TiO2 coating prepared by micro-arc oxidation. J Biomed Mater Res B A 发表者:孙俊英 1894人已读 本文是孙俊英版权所有,未经授权请勿转载。 本文仅供健康科普使用,不能做...
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