1. Sunken Temple Entrance Location 2. Sunken Temple Quests 3. Overview of Bosses in Sunken Temple 1. Sunken Temple Entrance Location Sunken Temple is located in the middle of the Swamp of Sorrows. As the name implies, it is a large temple that has sunken into the middle of the lake. Al...
[50] Into The Temple of Atal’Hakkar (Dungeon), given byBrohann CaskbellyinStormwind City. This quest is obtained after completing a long serie of quests, to start it you must first talk toBrohann Caskbelly, he will give you the quest[43] In search of the temple, you’ll just have ...
Between both vanilla Sunken Temple drops and recent data mined information, we have a good gauge on what is to be expected in terms of loot. It’s unclear whether Blizzard intends to add more Sunken Temple-specific quests, as they did with Gnomeregan, but this would provide even more ...
http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=84820865 地图依然是Lost Temple,只不过这次换成了WCG_Lost Temple…… 【战况一、Terran - 你:12:00,敌:P】 分享41 木吉他吧 Mr阿治 新琴入手,说是出口琴。自己不是太懂牌子是Sunken wood.我网上找不到这个牌子!求大神解析价格啊什么的 分享61赞 钢笔吧 你有多耀眼_ ...