Contributed toSunHuawei/SourceDetector,SunHuawei/remark-mermaid-dataurl,SunHuawei/C4-PlantUMLand 6 other repositories Loading 52%Code reviewIssues21%Pull requests27%Commits Contribution activity January2025 Created 2 commits in 1 repository LoadingShow more activity ...
C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures - SunHuawei/C4-PlantUML
Back in 2013,Huawei released the world's leading commercial inverter with fuse-free and a natural cooling design.These features greatly improved the reliability of the PV system,and firmly placed Huawei as the leader in the commercial segment.Five years on,the new SUN2000-50KTL-M0 commercial ...
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孙华卫 |SUN HUAWEI Born in Jiangsu in1968 Graduated from Printmaking Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in1990 1990年毕业于中央美术学院版画系 Now lives and works in Beijing A R TI S T ST UD I O Indoor Environment Ink sculpture ...
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