Look for sunflowers that are pollenless and have sturdy stems. Use them to attract birds, bees and butterflies-they are great for pollinators while in bloom, and their seed heads can be dried and set out for the birds during winter. Plant them as a companion plant in vegetable gardens...
Some folks see a Sunflower as a flower. Others, see it as a vegetable. It is, of course, both a beautiful flower and a great vegetable! Healthy, nutritious, and attractive, Sunflowers have it all. And as your backyard birds will tell you, sunflower seeds are delicious. That is probabl...
this North American native is a fun plant to add to your vegetable or flower garden. Most people think of sunflowers as the towering varieties filling fields in the prairie states. However, many garden cultivars are designed to be compact and grown in a wide range of hardiness zones. You ca...
It’s common to plant sunflowers into landscape beds, and many gardeners include a row of sunflowers in spring and fall vegetable gardens. After sowing the seeds, water the bed well and then water it as needed to keep the soil moist – even lightly every day if the weather is dry....
Today, growers love these bright yellow beauties for their vibrant appearance. They come in shades of orange, yellow, red, brown, pink, and even pale white. They’re also great at attracting pollinators into gardens, so don’t be surprised to see hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies make ...
Fruit, Vegetable, & Herb Gardens Houseplants View All Travel Travel South's Best Southeast Southwest South-Central Mid-Atlantic Coastal Living View All Holidays Holidays Thanksgiving Christmas Hanukkah Easter 4th of July Mother's Day New Year's Mardi Gras Gifts Vi...
The vibrant colors characteristic ofmarigoldsbrighten up any garden, making the landscape a joy to behold. These flowers are useful in decorating and can also be effectively used for borders around vegetable gardens to prevent damage by insects. It is easy to grow marigolds, but there are some ...
aA plethora of vegetable crops do well in New England. Gardeners grow squashes, tomatoes, corn, sunflowers, carrots, onions, beets, bell peppers, melons and peas. Broccoli and cabbages do well in New England. While not officially vegetables, blueberries and strawberries thrive in gardens in New...
Heavy metal contamination in soil–vegetable systems and its health risks in an area irrigated with acid mine drainage in Dabaoshan, Guangdong, China. J. Agro-Environ. Sci. 39 (7):1521–31. doi: 10.11654/jaes.2020-0001. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar...
When the sunflower plant excretes this chemical into the soil, it inhibits other seeds from germinating. Potatoes and pole beans are the most affected by this chemical compound. After the growing season, avoid tilling the sunflower remains in your vegetable garden because the chemical compounds st...