美国亚马逊 Amazon : Sunflower Liquid Lecithin Now Foods 16 Oz Oil- 2pack : Beauty历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Amazon : Sunflower Liquid Lecithin Now Foods 16 Oz Oil- 2pack : Beauty
两款的推荐用量可满足人体一天对胆碱的需求,如饮食正常,可适当减少食用量,关于人体对胆碱的需求可参见知识百科。 NOW卵磷脂另有一款液体向日葵磷脂Sunflower Liquid Lecithin,在iherb等平台十分受欢迎,但其磷脂酰胆碱/胆碱含量不明,且每份的脂肪含量较高,不特别推荐使用。 如需补充胆碱,也可考虑NOW的Alpha GPC。Alpha ...
Legendairy Milk's Organic Liquid Sunflower Lecithin is a natural fat emulsifier that can help to reduce the
Wholesale bulk pure sunflower lecithin liquid sunflower lecithin powder Lecithin is a naturally occurring group of phospholipids found in almost every living cell. It is an important multifunctional active ingredient for a wide range of industrial applications such as food, ...
Organic Sunflower Lecithin Liquid functions as an emulsifier and thickening agent for both food and beverage.
Now Foods Sunflower Liquid Lecithin (473 ml) - Trova il prezzo più basso su Klarna ✓ Confronta i prezzi (aggiornato oggi) dai negozi 2 stores ✓ RISPARMIA sul tuo acquisto oggi!
Sunflower oil is a liquid oil obtained from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus). From:Specialty Oils and Fats in Food and Nutrition,2015 About this page Set alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. ...
Sunflower Lecithin Liquid 公司: DKSH 文档 Datasheet (英语) 立即创建您的免费账号 放入样品车 联络专家 分享: 类别 产品类型 Categories Additives ~ Emulsifiers ~ Lecithin 购买地点 DKSH 访问官网 希望在赛百库经销商/贸易商板块进行展示推广?请立即联络我们 !
Sunflower Lecithin Liquid - Sunflower lecithins can be used in applications in which allergen free and non-GMO ingredients are required. It has various functions; it helps form stable emulsions, changes the rheology of products and influences surface ten
Sunflower lecithin, liquid推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业会员产品有严格审核。 公司名称:Glentham Life Sciences Ltd推荐 联系电话:+44 (0) 1225 667798 电子邮件:info@glentham.com 国籍:美国 产品介绍:英文名称:Sunflower lecithin, liquid ...