Sundyne, the world leader in low flow high head pumps and compressors delivers increased reliability and efficiency you demand for your enterprise.
Sundyne 胜达因计量泵高温型磁力驱动 M15 铸铁 塑料 1000立方 ¥3.00万 本店由找商网运营支持 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 美国胜达因 额定电压 380V,10kV 适配电机功率 2.2kW~1000kW 应用范围 电机调速 控制方式 自动 是否进口 是 交货期 3个月 竞争对手 施耐德 系列 ACS 电源...
Tel. 1.303.425.0800 Sundyne United Kingdom HMD Sealless Pumps Ltd 10-12 Marshall Road Eastbourne East Sussex BN22 9AN United Kingdom +44 1323 452000 info@hmdkontro.comSundyne France Sundyne International S.A. 13-15 Bldg. Eiffel – B.P. 30 21604 Longvic Cedex France ...
About Sundyne Sundyne is the world leader in delivering low-flow, high-head, integrally geared centrifugal pumps and compressors, sealless magnetic drive pumps and diaphragm gas compressors. Sundyne’s precision-engineered, highly reliable, safe & efficient pumps and compressors are used in chemical,...
Contact your local authorized Sundyne, Sunflo, ANSIMAG, HMD/Kontro, Marelli or PPI representative. Locate Your Sundyne RepresentativeContact Sundyne Sundyne Global Locations Sundyne Headquarters 14845 West 64th Avenue Arvada, CO 80007 United States Tel. 1.303.425.0800 Sundyne United Kingdom HMD Sealless...
据美国财经媒体周二报道,工业巨头霍尼韦尔国际公司(Honeywell International)即将以近22亿美元的价格从私募股权公司华平投资(Warburg Pincus)手中收购泵制造商Sundyne。霍尼韦尔和Sundyne均未回应媒体的置评请求。在激进投资者埃利奥特管理公司(Elliott Management)以50亿美元收购霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)的股份几个月后,...
Sundyne, the world leader in low flow high head pumps and compressors delivers the increased reliability and efficiency you demand for your enterprise.
Max Motor Size 550 HP (410 kW) Temperature Range -200 to +500°F (-130 to +260°C) LMC-Vertical Line Mounted Integrally Geared Compressors Flows to 2,500 acfm (4,150 m³/hr) Maximum Pressure 2,300 psi (160 bar) Maximum Speed 34,200 rpm ...
Sundyne centrifugal pumps and compressors for the process industries.