He gave away presents to all and sundry the latter were those who went out again by a back way and came in again by the gate. MIZAN SUB TOTAL: SUNDRY INCOME EurLex-2 and Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw were engaging Missy's attention by sundry gay trifles bought for her to present to ...
There is no limit to the Sundry Invoice amount, as the characteristic of Sundry income is the irregularity of the income, not the amount generated. You can view Sundry revenues oroperating incomein yourbalance sheetor profit and loss account. This revenue affects the company's net worth and m...
Amounts owing but not yet received by the end of the financial year are entered on the assets side of the balance sheet under the heading 'Sundry accounts receivable` in the item 'Revenue to be collected`. Gli importi dovuti e non ancora riscossi alla chiusura dell'esercizio sono ...
Amounts owing but not yet received by the end of the financial year are entered on the assets side of the balance sheet under the heading 'Sundry accounts receivable` in the item 'Revenue to be collected`. Gli importi dovuti e non ancora riscossi alla chiusura dell'esercizio sono ...