1. A Division rather than Sanctification God had sanctified both the Sabbath and His people who entered into the remembrance of His Creative work. But as time passed, the Day God had made to distinguish those who worshiped Him and those who did not, was causing a division rather than a s...
And so we struggle, and at times we find ourselves caught up in worship, you could say, of objects which are far from God. We think about our primary commitments, our marriages, and we have heard a teaching of St. Paul in Ephesians about how marriage is intended to be a reflection ...
"Not only is the worship service vertical but it's horizontal as well. I so enjoy the face to face discussions and interactions." Marc H. Slide Heading "There's no place I'd rather be on Sunday morning. I couldn't be anywhere else where I would have as many friends that are like ...
This book examines the Spiritual Disciplines of Bible intake, prayer, worship, evangelism, service, stewardship, fasting, silence and solitude, journaling, and learning. This is by no means, however, an exhaustive list of the Disciplines of Christian living. A survey of other literature on this ...
The tabernacle had certainly been through the ringer in the over 200 years it had been used for worship in the wilderness and as they settled into the Promised Land. David wanted to replace it with something beautiful and more permanent. He drew up the plans, and Solomon would eventually bui...
–adapted fromThe Worship Sourcebook One of the sad results of humanity’s fall into sin is how the ground began to“produce thorns and thistles.”Thorns became the sign of God’s curse, that is, of all the sad and painful consequences associated with sin. ...
The Tabernacle and the Tent of Meeting were both super important spots for the Israelites when it came to talking to God, but they had their own special roles. Think of the Tabernacle as the main hangout for everyone to get together, worship, and make sacrifices. It was like the community...
Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This week's message is: “Will good people go to heaven?” Please visit the website at: http://liveprayerchurch.com and be part this week's worship service. Each Sunday there will be a new service at 12:01am EST ...
Church & Worship Related, Family Ministry, Sunday School Curriculum & VBS, Sunday School Ministry Sunday School teachers are always on the lookout for great kids Bible lessons that are easy to teach and captivate their children’s imagination! In this article, we’ve assembled ten must-have Sund...
【许】 pulpit ['pulpit]: noun, a raised platform where a priest or minister stands when leading a worship service—usually singular. 1309. railed in the communion-table: 在圣坛周围建一道栏杆,把圣桌围了起来。 at his coming to his estate: 当他初次接管他这份产业的时候。 coming: noun, the ...