The Word of Wisdom is one of the most distinctive of the Mormon beliefs. Kids at school would ask me, “So you don’t drink Coke?” Which I always thought was an annoying question, but in retrospect it wasn’t as annoying as having a prophet who refused to clarify the question one w...
It is apparent that, thereafter, Nicodemus believed in Christ and supported the gospel cause. John records that he brought spices to prepare Jesus’s body for burial (John 19:38-42). Tradition says that after the resurrection (which would supply the last outward impulse necessary to confirm hi...
4) He Is Risen Easter Sunday School LessonScripture: Matthew 27:22-56; 28:1-6Goal: To teach children how Jesus conquered the curse of sin and death by the power of His own death and resurrection. God demonstrated the depth of His love through Jesus’ death on the cross: “But God ...
Kids can recreate the iconic scene of Moses parting the Red Sea with thisSimple 5-Minute Science Experiment. For thishomeschool lesson on the Red Sea in the Bible, all that is needed is a clear container, water, red food coloring, and cooking oil. Fill the container with water, drops of...
Holidays Bible Crafts for Sunday School and Children's Ministry Christian Holidays Bible Crafts and Lessons, Easter, Jesus is Risen, Journey to the Manger, Resurrection Eggs, Christmas program, Pentecost, Trinity, Ascension Sunday craft, Holy Spirit, New Life craft Chrismon Snowflake Ornaments, Butt...
This might be a good film to take a high school/college class to on a Sunday after church. (I don't know what it is rated). John Newton was a slave trader. One night on a homeward voyage, while attempting to steer his ship through a violent storm, he experienced his "great ...
Our God is ever a God of the future, not of the past. We are to live with hopeful hearts, “forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead,” as Paul tells us. His salvation, Paul says, is power in the present, “the power of His resurrection.” ...
Jesus knew who would betray him to the Temple guards, but he also knew that for the prophecies to come true, he must accept what would be done to him. With no death, there could be no resurrection. Jesus Presides over the Passover Supper ...
“everlasting horror and disgrace”. Scholars suggest that this passage from the Old Testament Book of Daniel may be the first reference to resurrection. Jesus in today’s gospel also talks about the end time,“In those days after that tribulation the sun will be darkened, and the moon will...
In high school I had two classmates who had this ongoing feud about which one of them was taller. It happened that they were the two shortest guys in the class. And right there we find something about the futility, the nonsense of seeking distinction. Or trying to prove that someone is ...