Bible ABCs for Kids, Bible Coloring for Kids, Noah's Bible Memory and more! Salvation's Story makes the quality Sunday School printables, apps and games you've been searching for.
what we had done the last 2 years. Here are some of the fun, hands-onsunday school gamesandsunday school activitieswe did to review 4000 years of Bible history. That’s a LOT of history to go over, but these fun activities made it fun to remember thesunday school storieswe had ...
Many creative Christian Bible Games, Bible Crafts, Bible Lessons and more for Sunday School and children's ministry. Ages preschool to teen.
For use in Children's Church, Day Camps, Bible Clubs, VBS, and After-school Clubs! Digital items are delivered by email. Christian Games for Children's Ministry Amazing Parable Race –A two-hour game and lesson event for children to learn about the Parable of the Sower. A great icebreaker...
Back to School with a Leap Bible Verse Review Game Children take turns pulling a piece of paper out of Froggy's mouth, opening it up, and seeing if it is part of the message. When a child picks one of the words to the message, tape it up on the board. See if the children can ...
Sunday School: Sept. 13, 2020 扬声器 Tim Everett 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2020年9月13日 主日学校 Acts Chapter 10 使徒行傳 10 924201158422049 89 下载 分享 最新讲道 "Trust #3" Pastor Ken Olsen 2024年8月25日 王輩之第二書 19:15-37 没有系列: 2 Kings “Murrain ...
Sunday School: Sept. 6, 2020 扬声器 Tim Everett 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2020年9月6日 主日学校 Acts Chapter 10 使徒行傳 10 924201153343135 111 下载 分享 最新讲道 "Trust #3" Pastor Ken Olsen 2024年8月25日 王輩之第二書 19:15-37 没有系列: 2 Kings “Murrain ...
games for specific Bible stories and games that relate to specific Bible themes. You will also see lists of Bible review questions following the different forms of review such as “fill in the blank,”“true or false,” and “the 5 W questions – who, what, when, where, why and how....
Unique Bible trading cards teach kids about Bible characters in a format they love. Trading Cardprintables and sets Games and activities for reinforcing the lesson. Review, memory, art, drama, and other games Traditional and currentSunday School songs....
Fun Bible Crafts, Bible Games, and Bible lessons that are great for homeschool, Children's Church, Children's Ministry and Sunday School.