Was this review helpful to you? 32 Flag this review 5 Love Good Genes! Submitted 7 months ago By Sckmaui From AZ Verified Reviewer Reviewed atsundayriley.com/ This was one of the first products I started using everyday. I really have notice my skin has a glow now. However I have star...
Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend Was this review helpful to you? 32 Flag this review 5 Love Good Genes! Submitted 7 months ago By Sckmaui From AZ Verified Reviewer Reviewed atsundayriley.com/ This was one of the first products I started using everyday. I really have notic...
Sunday Riley 面部精华单品 全能好基因焕彩精华乳液 产地 美国 包装种类 基础包装 适合肤质 任何肤质 上市时间 2013年 功效 舒缓,提亮肤色,保湿,紧致 规格类型 小样 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 净含量 1ml,5ml 质地 乳液 核心功效 其它 图文详情 0 本店推荐 超靓~华伦天奴▲保温杯芭比粉未来金550ml磨砂不锈钢健身...
Sunday Riley Good Genes 好基因全效精华5ml+好基因精华8ml美国代购,无中文标签,介意慎拍 分享品质保证 专属客服 先行赔付 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:8元 服务收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(148) 很划算(39) 很舒服(11) 尺寸适宜(10) 正品(9) 柔软舒适...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现去闭口~小众贵妇牌Good Genes Sunday Riley好基因乳酸精华5ml的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于去闭口~小众贵妇牌Good Genes Sunday Riley好基因乳酸精华5ml的信息,请来淘宝深
Sunday Riley Good Genes好基因精华 30ml 这款精华超多美妆博主推荐,痘痘肌,闭口粉刺肌肤必备产品。换季皮肤不稳定时,可能效果立竿见影。这款精华既可以放在护肤步骤用,也可以厚敷当面膜。质地是很稀薄乳液质地,发炎红肿的肌肤都会得到一定程度修复,还可以修复毛孔,不会留下痘印 不过它的味道,是浓浓的乳酸味,确实...
We will see how it handles the fine lines around my eyes and tech neck, but so far so good! The only one that burned a tiny bit was the Good Genes, but it only lasted a couple days of use and doesn't anymore. Your skin will build a tolerance. Received an incentive for this ...
How Long Does Skincare Last? All good things, even when it comes to skincare, have an expiration date. So to get the most benefit (and to avoid any adverse reactions to expired skincare), it’s important to stay (semi) vigilant on the use-by dates of your skincare products. Here ...
Sunday Riley - Good Genes All-in-one Lactic Acid Treatment 盒子上的成分一共写了五个,最多的就是第一个: Purified Lactic Acid: One of the most hydrating alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Lactic Acid deeply exfoliates the surface layers of the skin, revealing a more clarified, fresher, smoother co...
Sunday Riley Go To Bed With 抗衰老夜用精华是一款 6- 步抗皱产品,含有赋活型视黄酸、去角质乳酸和保湿透明质酸。瓷滑洗面乳采用植物型轻柔配方,可排出杂质,清透补水,收缩毛孔,呈现更细腻、洁净和容光焕发肌质。Pink Drink 紧致焕肤精华富含缩氨酸,可紧致皮肤;所含发酵蜜和植物提取物可平衡皮肤天然微生物群系...