Sunday Riley的good genes精华真的好用到爆,早上起来那个脸又滑又亮。 û收藏 转发 3 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Û 查看更多 a 74关注 103粉丝 1874微博 微关系 她的关注(71) FashionSlimane MBTI小行家 果冻出走 ...
Sunday Riley Good Genes All-In-One Lactic Acid Treatment 1oz $85.00 Size: Recommended item SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic with 15% L-Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Serum 30ml $182.00 Total Price: $267.00 Add both to cart SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic with 15% L-Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Serum 30ml ...
Sunday Riley brand: Sunday Riley (357 点评) $43 - $122 请选择一个尺码 尺码: 尺码: 50ml 尺码: 15ml 尺码: 30ml +添加至我的心愿单 如果未开封且未使用,则符合退货资格 描述 成分 品牌介绍 As good as being born with flawless skin: Sunday Riley Good Genes All-In-One Lactic Acid ...
如同初生儿一般的无暇美肌:Sunday Riley 好基因多效合一乳酸精华。配方含有高效纯化极乳酸成分,这一让万众敬仰的精华产品可快速去除阻塞毛孔的死皮细胞,还您更柔嫩、更清新的年轻态皮肤。细纹明显减少,皮肤倍显精神。持续使用后,顽固的色素沉着和明显老化现象都会减退,焕现更加清透健康的肤质。 细节 欧亚甘草和柠檬香草... 现有 Sunday Riley Good Genes *精华30 ml,原价$105,现特价$84,美国境内免运费,有效期至北京时间 2016年05月30日。立即购买>> 点此激活优惠>>(需先激活优惠,结账时直接显示折扣,如果折扣没有显示在购物车内,请清空Cookie,再进行上述操作) Sunday Riley 家超有名气的*精华,全称叫做Good Genes ... I've been using A+ for a couple years and although I've tried a few others, nothing compares! I use every night after cleansing and before moisturizer, and have definitely noticed a visible difference and improvement in my aging skin. I can't imagine using any other reti...
sunday riley祛痘印套luna油+ good genes好基因精华真的那么好用吗 搜索资料 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览10 次 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐:特别推荐 了解下古代人“年终奖”都有多少钱 年轻人被废掉的两种迹象,你中招了吗 不会方言,连个电影都看...
Shop SUNDAY RILEY’s C.E.O. 15% Vitamin C Brightening Serum at Sephora. This serum visibly brightens skin, shrinks pores, and fights aging.
Rinse well and pat dry. Luna Sleeping Night Oil: After cleansing, apply 3-4 drops at night to dry skin. Luna Sleeping Night Oil goes from blue to clear when massaged into the skin. Follow with 1-2 pumps of Good Genes Lactic Acid Treatment. Alternatively, you can use Good Genes Lactic...
DermStore优惠码,购买Sunday Riley Win Win Good Genes Duo(价值128美元)可享受30%折扣优惠码: JOY 过期时间:2024-12-01折扣地址: 直达链接>>优惠码说明:发布时间:2024-11-27 DermStore优惠码,购买Sunday Riley Win Win Good Genes Duo(价值128美元)可享受30%折扣 ...