WE are endlessly assured that the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant, just across the Irish Sea, is perfectly safe.We are told we should not be afraid of its discharges nor worried about the stored radioactive material.And who tells us these things? The bosses at British Nuclear Fuels ...
along with Hannah offering up her son to Eli’s care, she also offers up a prayer of thanksgiving that is most likely the model for Mary’s Magnificat. Here’s what she says in 1 Samuel 2:1–10 and see if you hear the parallels to Mary’s song and to a certain extent,...
While I’m on a 3-week blog break,Natalie from Natalie the Exploreris hosting Sunday Stills from August 22-Sept 5! Aug 22 In the Garden hosted byNatalie the Explorer Aug 29 Afloat hosted byNatalie the Explorer July 2021 July 4NO CHALLENGE July 11 Under the Trees July 18 Monthly Color C...
Plant a few new flowers or water and weed the garden you already have. If you have space to garden at home, why not head to a nearby store and pick out some new additions to your flower patch? Or, if your garden is already at capacity, head outside to pull up weeds, water plants...