Some Christians today are exhorting the Sabbath was changed to Sunday because they claim the New Testament Church worshipped habitually on the first day of the week.Acts 20:7is the most commonly quoted scripture to support this argument, yet the truth is that this meeting did not fall on wha...
Sunday change occurred, which actually began as far back as 2000 years B.C. You are also about to discover the real truth on the origin of 666 and how this mysterious number is directly related to ancient sun worship. But why is sun worship so relevant in regards to the worship of God...
Really, these scriptures taken together are kind of a summary of the Christmas season. Isaiah is, as we know, associated with Christmas and with Advent. The letter of St. Paul to Titus is used at two different Christmas Masses. And it is always remarkable to hear those words. To hear "...
The tabernacle had certainly been through the ringer in the over 200 years it had been used for worship in the wilderness and as they settled into the Promised Land. David wanted to replace it with something beautiful and more permanent. He drew up the plans, and Solomon would eventually bui...
to call a Bride for His Son, Jesus Christ. And because it is something wholly different from His, the Father’s, covenant with His Bride, Israel, God established a different day for worship as well. In the New Testament we see some very big things happening on a Sunday, take ...
What kind of Stockholm Syndrome must members be in, being told to worship a being who will burn them up if they don’t obey him? Next thing: It’s going to happen soon. D&C 29:10Forthe hour is nigh, and that which was spoken by mine apostles must be fulfilled; for as they spoke...
The Enmity of Man and his Fellow is intensified and shown to us throughout the Scriptures. These two brotherly peoples would not come together in peace, as enmity would be in their blood. The Prophet Ezekiel would go onto explain how God would bring these two sticks together in “His Hand...
1. Sunday -Dies solis(Latin) which means “day of the sun” from which we get Sunday. Sun worship was marked by the use of the halo, or nimbus, which originated with the pagan Greeks and Romans to represent their sun god, Helios. It was later on that artists then adopted it for us...
Church & Worship Related, Family Ministry, Sunday School Curriculum & VBS, Sunday School Ministry Sunday School teachers are always on the lookout for great kids Bible lessons that are easy to teach and captivate their children’s imagination! In this article, we’ve assembled ten must-have Sund...
parents – children must know parents arejust. The main job of parents is toteachtheir children.Mosiah 1:2tells us what righteous King Benjamin taught to his sons – how to read and understand the scriptures, that they might become “men of understanding,” and “kn...