but that’s not the final purpose of being blessed. God means for his blessings to flow not only into us butthroughus so that others can be touched by God’s grace just as we have been. In fact, I’d argue from Scripture (Paul’sprayer for the Ephesianscomes quickly to mind)...
You can pray these Easter prayers and blessings at sunrise, around the Easter dinner table with family and friends, or share them on social media! Get your freeEaster Prayer and Scripture Guideto reflect on the meaning and importance of Christ's resurrection. 5 Prayers to Celebrate Easter Sun...
Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 4Hymn #67 'How Can It Be?''Why Preach the Gospel?' Romans 10:1-15Hymn #224 'I Know Whom I Have Believed' Sermon ID 115241531144 Duration 1:05:53 Date Jan 14, 2024 Category Sunday Service Bible Text 使徒保羅與弟摩氐第二書 4; 大五得詩 119:9-16 ...
Now I don’t believe there are any coincidences in the Kingdom of God. I’ve spoken before about Judy asking me to follow the lectionary with our Scripture passages in the bulletin, and I decided it would be a good exercise for me to base my sermons on those passages, typically the Go...
Whether you're looking for a prayer to use at an Easter church service or an Easter dinner prayers with your loved ones, prayer is a meaningful tradition to thank God for His blessings onResurrection Sunday. Gather your friends and family, and bless yourEaster feast. Use these Easter prayers...
His blessings, and His messages to us. Jesus Christ promised it to His disciples when He was about to be crucified, resurrected, and then taken away from them to ascend in glory to His Father. They were concerned to know how they would be able to endure when He was no...
The third category showcases games for Scriptures that follow a theme. The Bible is filled with various themes and The Scripture Lady has so much fun coming up with creative ways to share these themes such as miracles and promises in the Bible or verses on the light of God. ...
give her true and perfect happiness. Accept her devotion, forgive us our sins, increase our faith; heal us by thy word, protect us by thy mercy; remove all obstacles; grant us all blessings; that thus, this same thy Church may offer unto thee the fruit of good works; and walking in ...
Or maybe you have a friend facing a difficult challenge, and you’d like to encourage them through their battle. Inspired by a friend’s courageous battle with cancer, Blessings in the Rain is a collection of Scripture verses and poems meant to encourage those who find themselves fighting batt...
This entry was posted inMainand taggedArrogance,Bible,Bold,Christ,Christianity,faith,God,Humility,Jesus,knowledge,Law,Paul,Pride,sacrifice,Scripture,Yeshua,Zeal,zealousonDecember 6, 2024. How to persevere through tough times Leave a reply 25 minutes read time (with Scripture References) / 8 minutes...