Sundar Pichai 的身价可能超过 500 亿美元。 事实上,首席执行官 GoogleSundar Pichai 在 2 年的基本工资为 2022 万美元。此外,仅在 2019 年至 2022 年期间,他的总薪酬(包括基本工资、股票奖励和其他奖金)就达到 294 亿美元,按当前市场价值计算,他的身价超过 300 亿美元 折扣值. 多年来,皮查伊出售了部分股票...
Sundar Pichai also earns income from Google stock awards or 'restricted shares.' These are a part of his compensation package and provide him with equity in the company. Such awards are typically given on a triennial basis. In 2019, Pichai received his first triennial stock award, earning him...
Sundar Pichai 曾在总部位于硅谷的财富 500 强公司应用材料公司 (Applied Materials) 短暂任职,负责全球业务在线销售和运营组。 Sundar Pichai Net Worth 不仅仅局限于谷歌,在加入谷歌之前,他已经为多家公司做出了相当大的贡献。 Sundar Pichai 目前在其他公司的持股。 关于Sundar Pichai 鲜为人知的事实 桑达尔·皮查伊...
In 2010, Pichai also announced the open-sourcing of the new video codec VP8 by Google and introduced the new video format, WebM. The Chromebook was released in 2012. In 2013, Pichai added Android to the list of Google products that he oversaw. RelatedPosts Kylian Mbappé Net Worth 2025 ...