Step 1: Select the data you want displayed in the Sunburst chart Use your mouse to select the data you want included. Excel will use the left most column for the largest groups or branches. The data may need to be reorganized to take advantage of this chart type. Step 2: Click the In...
如何通过Apache POI设置Excel Sunburst图表中各个数据标签的文本属性? sunburst -R中的定位标签和颜色编码 电子图表中轴标签的自定义起点 Powerpoint图表组合自定义数据标签 如何在重图表中自定义数据标签的样式? 在Plotly中为图表批注添加自定义标签 甜甜圈图表中的标签格式[实时图表] ...
The chart does not plot in the same order as the data. Look at the inner ring, clockwise from the top it goes January, December, February, October, etc. I believe the OP would like to order the months as they appear in the calendar year, but sunbursts will order by value instead. ...