必应词典为您提供sunbird的释义,美['sʌnˌbɜːd],na. 太阳鸟;【动】同“sun-grebesunbittern”; 网络释义: 太阳鸟科;太阳鸟品牌;韩国太阳鸟;
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Sunbird. Try it free. Test drive thermal time lapse videos. Log in and visualize hot spots and get actionable insights by monitoring and trending all temperature, humidity, and other sensor data in real-time. Try it Free Download data sheet ...
所属企业 亚光科技集团股份有限公司 英文名 Sunbird 发源地 湖南省益阳市 创建年份 2003 咨询电话 0737-2606666 在线咨询 传真 0737-2606688 官网 http://www.cnsunbird.com/ 邮箱 sunbird@cnsunbird.com 公司地址 湖南省 益阳市 沅江市 游艇工业园 查看地图 品牌介绍 太阳鸟Sunbird隶属亚光科技集团股份有...
Sunbird Bio, a biotech company, is developing protein-based diagnostic tests that empower diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, neurological disorders, and early-stage cancer.
单词助记 鼠标悬停查看成分解释 sunbird 英['sʌnbə:d] 考点解读 托福 雅思 sunbird 常考释义 n. 太阳鸟 单词详解 英汉双解 n. 太阳鸟(太阳鸟科鸟的统称) 以上图片仅供学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请与我方联系
sunbird Encyclopedia Wikipedia sun·bird (sŭn′bûrd′) n. Any of various small tropical passerine birds of the family Nectariniidae of Asia, Africa, and Australia, having a slender downward-curving bill and often brightly colored plumage in the male. ...