Wang QiGiordano, JohnWang Shang-wenPrajna Vihara
The ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu taught that readiness is all, that knowledge of oneself and the enemy is the foundation of strength, and that those who fight best are those wise enough not to fight at all. These people were revered and known as "warrior-sages." Now, we refer to...
Yuan ShibingRalph D. Sawyer, "Sun Tzu's Art of War," The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China (New York: Basic Books, 2007), 154.Sun Tzu's Art of War', trans. and ed. Ralph D. Sawyer with Mei-chun Lee Sawyer, in The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China (New York: ...
For thousands of years, people have been reading the writings of the deeply wise, but also extremely dead Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, who was perhaps the first to look on the waging of war as a strategic art that could be taught to people who wished to be warlords and other kinds of ...