Hong Kong HK-0625662 Active TAI SUN ASIA (H.K.) LIMITED was formed on 1997-10-06 in Hong Kong. It is currently active. Save Profile FORMATION DETAILS Registration Number: 0625662 Type: Local Company - Private Status: Active Date of Formation: 1997-10-06 Name History: TAI SUN ASIA (H....
SUN HUNG KAI & CO. LIMITED2,931,0006148,04911 Webb-site Governance Rating Log into add your anonymous rating. Webb-site users rate this organisation as follows: UsersAverage (0-5) 0N/A HK-listed equities Ordinary shares ExchangeCodeListedLast tradeDelisted ...
SUN TAI YUEN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED is a Hong Kong company . This page displays the Chinese name, English name, registration number, business registration number, company status, change history, establishment date, name change date of SUN TAI YUEN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED. It has been opera...
Hong KongHK-1283701 SUN RICH GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED was formed on 2008-10-30 in Hong Kong FORMATION DETAILS Registration Number:1283701 Type:Private company limited by shares Status:Live Date of Formation:2008-10-30 Name History:SUN RICH GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED; 日榮環球有限公司 (alternative legal...
LIMITED(1) 楊娜 中德證券有限責任公司 羅婷 CHAN SAU TAT LEONG TAI FU LEUNG WING HONG CHIN CHUNG WA LEE LAP KWAN LO CHAK SUN 上述股東關聯關係或一致行動的說明 表決權恢復的優先股股東及持股 數量的說明 前十名無限售條件股東持股情況 股份種類及數量 持有無限售條件 流通股的數量 種類 數量 1,834,...
holds the position of ManageratSunHungKai Properties Limited. wingtaiproperties.com wingtaiproperties.com 康先生現為新鴻基 地產發展有限公司之經理。 wingtaiproperties.com wingtaiproperties.com [...] Tseng, Wo Tong Kong, Lung Wo Tsuen, PikShuiSunTsuen and the area in vicinity of Fei Ngo Shan ...
SUNQUEEN WATCH INDUSTRIAL CO., LIMITED鑫皇手錶工業有限公司 Registered Office Address: FLAT A516, 5/F, EFFICIENCY HOUSE, 35 TAI YAU STREET, SAN PO KONG, KLN, HONG KONG updated on 2025-01-01 Website Website Popular Companies SPLEX TRADING LIMITED S.L.F. LOGISTICS LIMITED AppsBox...
WAY SUN INDUSTRY HONGKONG LIMITED is a Hong Kong company. The business registration number is 61979206. Registered in Sham Shui Po, located on the Tai Nan West Street. It has been operating for 10 year 9 month 22 days. You can browse the English
法定代表人: 统一社会信用代码:- 电话:暂无信息 邮箱:暂无信息 网址:暂无网址 地址:暂无信息 简介:SUNSHIP SHIN TAI HO(HK)COMPANY LIMITED 在手机上查看 企业名片 微信或天眼查APP扫一扫查看详情 对外投资1 序号被投资企业名称法定代表人/执行事务合伙人成立日期投资数额投资比例经营状态关联产品关联机构 ...
SUN LINE LOGISTICS (HK) CO., LIMITED 下载报告 风险监控 仍注册 中国香港企业 电话:暂无信息 邮箱:暂无信息 网址:暂无网址 地址: 9B, CHEONG TAI COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 66 WING LOK STREET, SHEUNG WAN HONG KONG 简介:SUN LINE LOGISTICS (HK) CO., LIMITED,成立于2016年,位于香港特别行政区。 在...