Begin with the conjunction and then move forward in time to note the months and years of the opening square, the opposition, and the closing square. You will find that these aspects are made approximately every three years. Take time to see and feel how the actions and decisions that ...
There is no conjunction of Mars and Pluto. He can be very strong willed and has a quick temper. But he can also be very sweet. I’m hoping the Saturn sextile sun keeps him a bit grounded and out of trouble. Reply Debbie on November 29, 2021 My Saturn 29 Cap is quincunx Sun 0...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook sun sign Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to sun sign:Rising Sign sun sign n (Astrology) another name forsign of the zodiac Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
Just like Pluto, Eris challenges and pushes our buttons when transformation and change is needed. She brings discord only when she knows that it’s time for a greater harmony to be born. Think of an orchestra. As they all play together as one, beautiful music can be created. But if one...
Neptune conjunct Sun transitcan open you up to a more spiritual outlook on life, which can be very illuminating but also make you feel very vulnerable as your previously well-defined self-image and personal boundaries start to dissolve around you. ...
Sun Conjunct Moon Unless the conjunction occurs in different signs, those people born with Sun in conjunction to the Moon have a “double dose” of the same sign. That sign assumes more importance than usual. Because the wants (Sun) and the needs (Moon) are aligned, these people have mark...
AC: Yeah. I just wanted to chime in, not totally off topic but just slightly to the left. So one of my favorite things is when astrologers talk about the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the ‘60s and how that was this like glorious revolution for freedom. So that’s what it looked like ...
Difference #1: Bjorlin has a Mars/Pluto conjunction in her chart, indicative of “killer instincts”.(Source)Placed in the sign of Libra – the most socially adept and aesthetically oriented of signs – she would bring a suave ruthlessness to a remake of Wonder Woman. ...
If a planet is in conjunction with friend planet in the birth chart or accepted by or in the house ruled by the friend then the planet becomes stronger. Relationship table between planets are given bellow. So in generic term there are three group of friend circle. Sun, Moon, Mars, ...
(Note 2) for example. Just an hour previously I had been viewing the rare inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun, which was made even more remarkable by the fact that Venus visibly retrograded over the lower face of the sun for the first time in 122 years. The sun momentarily had ...