日月潭(Sun Moon Lake) the sun moon lake in the mountains of central Chinese Taiwan is a truly delightful place for rest and relaxation. also it is a favorite honeymoon spot. the poetically named lake, situated lake, situated at an elevation of 2,500 feet, is a year-round resort with ma...
日月潭的历史悠久,其名字和美丽的自然风光早已深入人心。在历史的长河中,日月潭一直是文人墨客笔下的灵感源泉。简志雄(Jackson Chien)的作品《日月光華-明潭組曲Sun Moon Lake》便是对日月潭美景的生动描绘。这幅油彩画布作品展现了日月光华在山湖上的映照,层峦中泊着的船只保护着潭水的影子...
【4K】台灣也有湖邊鳥居「日月潭」 視旅台灣 Sun Moon Lake 伊達邵商店街 日月潭纜車 伊達邵親水步道 Nantou Walk 南投景點 143 0 2022-05-31 13:59:38 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~4投币5分享Internet 這次就從日月潭纜車出發,沿著伊達邵親水步道,慢慢地前往伊達邵商店街,...
Sun Moon Lake Fuli Hot Spring Resort 5 stars out of 5 No.250-2, Zhongshan Rd, Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan, 55548 - See map Unwind at Sun Moon Lake Fuli Hot Spring Resort. Serene rooms with French windows, Japanese bathtubs, and private bathhouses. Enjoy breakfast and captivating lak...
Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake". 日月潭是台湾的“天池”,湖周35公里,水域9平方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的...
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moonn. 1.月球 2.(某种状态的)月亮 3.(行星的)卫星 4.月光 5.【书】月(=month) 6.[C]月状物 v.[I] 1.闲荡;出神(+about/around/o sunn. 1.[sing]太阳; 日 2.[sing,U]太阳的光和热; 日光; 阳光 3.[C]星体; (尤指)恒星 v.[T] 1.晒太阳 ...
Sun Moon Lake Fuli Hot Spring Resort 5 stars out of 5 No.250-2, Zhongshan Rd, Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan, 55548 - See map Unwind at Sun Moon Lake Fuli Hot Spring Resort. Serene rooms with French windows, Japanese bathtubs, and private bathhouses. Enjoy breakfast and captivating lak...
中级笔狂 11 意笔的包装,杆子确实华丽。 patriotismper 中级笔狂 11 好笔 正版猥琐帝 高级笔狂 12 日月潭还真叫sun moon lake,想起山木公司好像也是这名儿 左夢塵 中级笔狂 11 意笔的杆子真的是剧毒 zane 初级笔狂 10 帮顶 是梦___终空 初级笔狂 10 壕就一个 字...
Below I’ll tell you my favorite places to stay and things to do at Sun Moon Lake. I’ve been to Sun Moon Lake six times in my 10 years in Taiwan, so apparently I have a soft spot for it. Several of these visits werewith ...