(1) What's the sun made up of? ___ A. Light B. Rock C. Lava D. Gases (2) According to the passage,the sun is ___ the earth. E. bigger than F. as big as G. as small as . smaller than (3) Which of the following can be put in ___ ? . the sun travels a lot...
Even if a rocket could fly to thesun it would burn up long before it arrived.(1).According to the passage,the sun is _ theearth.O A.bigger thanOB.as big asC.as smallD.smaller(2).What's the sun made up of? A.LightB.RockC.LavaD.Gases(3).What's the BEST ttle of the ...
How Do We Know What the Sun Is Made Of? You may be wondering how, exactly we know what makes up the sun. After all, no human has ever been there and no spacecraft has ever brought back samples of solar matter. The sun, however, is constantly bathing the earth in electromagnetic ...
17.The sun lights the earth's sky during the day.The moon appears to light our sky at night.But the sun sandy the moon are more than just big lamps(灯)!Unlike the earth.the sun is not a planet.It is a star.The sun is made up of hot gases.The burnin
likE othEr stArs, thE sun is mADE up oF vArious gAsEs, thE most prEvAlEnt BEing hyDrogEn At ArounD 74%, AnD hElium At ArounD 25%.BECAusE thE sun’s grAvitAtionAl ForCE inwArD is EquAl to thAt oF its thErmAl prEssurE outwArD, it is in A stAtE oF hyDrostAtiC EquiliBrium, whiCh CAusEs thE...
Even if a rocket could fly to the sun, it could burn up long before it arrived. 66 What's the sun made up of?A . Light.B . Rock.C . Lava.D . Gases. 67 According to the passage, the sun is the earth.A . bigger thanB . as big asC . as small asD . smaller than 68 ...
②What's the moon made up of?③How far is the moon from the earth?第二步:我精读我收获)1. What's the sun made up of?A.Light.B. Rock.C.Lava.D. Gases.()2. According to the passage, the sun isthe earth.A. bigger thanB. as big asC. as small asD. smaller than()3. Which...
Like any other star, the Sun is made up primarily of hydrogen, with a less amount of helium. Between the two, it’s around 99% made from these two gases. But we still aren’t 100% sure what’s inside the Sun, and whether there’s another material in the mix. ...
Gas planets, or gas giants, are celestial bodies that are made up of gases with no well-defined surface. They are much larger than Earth and their atmospheres are mostly hydrogen and helium.Answer and Explanation: No, in our solar system, the gas planets all lie further away from the sun...
1.What are the gases of the sun like? A. Very hot B. Very bright C. All of the above 2.The sun’s energy comes from . A. X—rays B. nuclear fusion C. layers of gases 3.The diameter of the earth is about 6300 km. How about that of the sun? A. About 6300km B. About...