Testing in a variety of climates and conditions continues successfully, with the Sun Harmony series receiving a number of top awards and recognitions.Chanochi Zaks
The common name “sunflower” refers to the annual variety of the plant. There are alsoperennialsunflower plants, but they are not often grown, because they spread easily and are quite invasive. Tips for Growing Sunflower Plants Sunflower plants do best in bright sunlight with well draining s...
The deep window ledges are so welcoming to sun-loving plants. Here, in the south facing living room window, aloe and a scented geranium enjoy growing together. Desert Roses (Adenium) – something new and interesting My brother got me interested in Desert Roses (Adenium). He has an amazing ...
I only planted 3 plants, but have gotten well over 100 peppers. I’ve been putting them in everything. I also tried Marconi for the first time, and this one will be on my repeat list as well. It is a large yellow bell pepper with great production, and flavor. ...
but they can also be divided more frequently than that to produce new plants. Lift an established plant and root ball and use asharp spade or a knifeto cut away a section containing both rhizome and foliage. Plant the division in a prepared bed in the garden immediately or in pots filled...
Beyond houseplants and annual borders, hardy begonias (Begonia grandis) and their hybrids take their place in shaded landscapes in USDA zones 6 and 7. Partnered with hostas and other shade-loving plants, hardy begonias prefer part to full shade. They even tolerate heavy-shade areas that receive...