On April 21st, 2010, the scientists of NASA have quoted their experiment with the SDO to be a success as they have received images which are almost 10 times clearer than the high-def TV. The spacecraft has also provided new knowledge on the sun’s dynamic process that will help scientists...
This isn’t the first time that we’ve gotten a good look at a solar flare. Plenty of astrophotographers have managed to snap some great images andvideos of the Sunthrowing a tantrum. And, with so many spacecraft and observatories focused on the Sun, NASA is able to capture some fantast...
NASA's SDO mission launched in February 2010 to record unprecedented views of the sun, solar flares and other space weather events. As of December 2012, the spacecraft had captured more than 100 million images of the sun, about the equivalent of eight hours of TV programming a day for four...
LOS ANGELES, May 1 (Xinhua) -- NASA's InSight lander has captured a series of images of sunrise and sunset on Mars recently, according to a release of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California on Wednesday. A camera on the spacecraft's robotic arm snapped the photos on A...
This stunning ultraviolet image taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory models what those swirling electric field lines actually look like. (Image credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA) Don't be alarmed, but the sun is constantly exploding. While violent nuclear fusion reactions power the ...
The region located between the surface of the sun and its atmosphere has been revealed as a more violent place than previously understood, according to images and data from NASA’s newest solar observatory, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, or IRIS. ...
Newly released images of small-scale solar structures indicate that the Sun is much more turbulent that previously known. The images, produced by the satellite Hinode (formerly known as Solar-B), were released by NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on 21 March....
On 26 June, NASA plans to launch the US$181-million Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). The instrument’s ‘eyes’, working in the ultraviolet spectrum and designed to follow the flow of matter and energy in the chromosphere, will help astronomers to work out how the photosphere ...
NASA has released the first image from inside the sun’s atmosphere and it is ground-breaking. The photo was taken by the Parker Solar Probe, which is fitted with Israeli-engineered sensors that are helping capture these first-ever high-resolution images. ...
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/NRL/GSFC) NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) satellites have provided the first three-dimensional images of the Sun in this space wallpaper. For the first time, scientists are able to see structures in the Sun's atmosphere in three dimensi...