Administration functions should be performed through the Messaging Server command-line interfaces or configuration files. References in the documentation to using the console haven't yet been corrected.DIGEST-MD5When clients connect via IMAP, POP or SMTP to the Messaging Server, they must use a SASL...
12 Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 System Administration Guide • April 2006 Shell Prompts in Command Examples TABLE P–2 Typographic Conventions Typeface Meaning (Continued) AaBbCc123 What you type, contrasted with onscreen computer output aabbcc123 Placeholder: replace with a real name or ...
After a lengthy deliberation between the high command, a new leader was chosen: Keevan Colton. Prince Keevan Colton assumed the mantle of ruler on Year 1 Day 318 and gradually stabilized the organization. However, like his predecessor Prince Blood, Keevan had never wanted the position of ...
Low-codeplatforms require some engineering and coding knowledge andhelp developers work fasterby reducing repetitive tasks. LC is similar to frameworks but with more "out of the box" features. Also, LC platforms usually have Graphic User Interface (GUI) instead of or along with Command-Line Inter...
May be running same port number in background, see and kill below commands in windows. Go to command prompt->Run below commands , Find open running ports: C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ano | findstr :Port number Example: netstat -ano | findstr :8761kill ports based...
I am using appdirs in a JavaFX application. appdirs throws exception in Windows 7 as below: Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMetho...
Joan Baez: The Supremes: House Of The Rising Sun by The Supremes on Grooveshark The White Stripes: House Of The Rising Sun (Bob Dylan) – 2005-09-09 by The White Stripes on Grooveshark Nina Simone: Josh White: Roy Acuff: Texas Alexander: ...
probably because the first C++ code in Mozilla code was checked in with that extension. Well, it's done. The extension we use is .cpp. This extension seems to make most compilers happy, but there are some which do not like it. On those systems we have to create a wrapper for the co...
and# - we write every block we care about exactly once.# Start with no blocks having been touched yet.touched = RangeSet()# Imagine processing the transfers in order.forxfinself.transfers:# Check that the input blocks for this transfer haven't yet been touched.x = xf.src_rangesifself....
You can have many "shiny-new-features" and switch in between them using the git checkout command. To update this branch, you need to retrieve the changes from the main branch: git fetch upstream git merge upstream/main This will combine your commits with the latest xarray git main. If ...