positivity, power, strength, and happiness since it bears such a strong resemblance to the Sun itself. In Greek mythology, it’s tied to a story of a nymph who becomes the flower after losing her love. Victorian flower language ascribes a meaning of gratitude to the dwarf Sunflower,...
The meaning of SUNFLOWER STAR is a large 20-rayed starfish (Pycnopodia helianthoides) resembling in form a conventionalized representation of a sunflower.
Sunflower meaning is connected to the Greek water nymph, Clytie. In the myth, Clytie fell in love with the sun god Apollo. Clytie made some poor choices, and was transformed into a sunflower for her mistakes. The myth associates the sunflower with love, as Clytie (in flower form) is a...
The meaning of RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER is a large-seeded sunflower that is a variety of the common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and is used as food in Russia.
There is how we find happiness and derive meaning to our day.因此,宽恕并放下你所感受到的,冒险去信任别人。So forgive and let go of what has been felt.And take a risk to trust another.因为爱上一个错的人并不意味着你浪费了你的时间,你也不傻。Because falling in love with the wrong ...
我可以给这个世界更多。I choose myself over and over and, for love and happiness i can give more to the world. 我们生活在一个信息越来越多,而意义却越来越少的世界里。We live in a world where there is more and more information and less and less meaning 图片来自网络 感谢您的阅读!
Sunflower Story & Origins The sunflower’s name comes from its tendency to reposition itself to face the sun. It’s genus, Helianthus, is rooted in two Greek words —“helios” meaning sun and “anthos” meaning flower. The ancient Greek myth of Apollo and Clytie is one explanation of wh...
in yourself and know that everything will work out.九、追求自己热爱的事情。生活不是做别人在做的事,而是做自己喜欢的事。Pursue the things you are passionate about. Life is not about doing what others are doing; it’s about doing what you love.想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注Sunflower语录 ...
Some people don't add meaning to life,they show us a whole meaning of life.10.不要根据你朋友的喜好来决定什么是对的。Don't decide what is right based on what your friends like.11.人们通过关心别人来避免自己的问题。People avoid their own problems by taking interest in others.12.我们很容易...
close.九、没有爱和关怀,生活什么都不是。把它给每个人,但不要期待回报,因为这是“感觉”不是“交易”。Life is really nothing without love and care.give it to everyone but don't expect it back,because it's a 'feel' not a 'deal'.#情感# 想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注Sunflower语录 ...