The Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (IS◉IS) consists of two instruments that will take an inventory of the elements in the solar atmosphere by using a mass spectrometer to study charged particles near the probe. Eugene Newman Parker legacy The Parker Solar Probe is named after pio...
The DIT consists of all of the entries in your server, as identified by their distinguished names (DNs). The hierarchical nature of a DN creates branches and leaves that structure the data in the tree. The DIT is defined and managed administratively in terms of suffixes and sub-suffixes. ...
There, the face of the goddess resembling the sun of consciousness consists of the aggregate of powers (śaktivṛnda) as the plane of the twelvefold sequence expanded out into the universe through the squaring of triads. These twelve reside within the abodes of the moon, sun, and fire, ...
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 supports authentication and authorization through the use of locally stored ACLs, which describe what access rights a user has for a resource. For example, an entry in an ACL can grant a user named Johnreadpermission to a particular folder namedmisc: acl "path=...
Above the surface of the sun is its atmosphere, which consists of three parts, shown in the lower half of Figure 1: Photosphere: The innermost part of the sun's atmosphere and the only part we can see. Chromosphere: The area between the photosphere and the corona, hotter than the photo...
Tragedy is an element of literature. It is rooted in Greek mythology and ancient Greek society. Its definition is “A literary piece that consists of a courageous noble character who must confront powerful obstacles, either external or from within”, and “the protagonist usually has a tragic 15...
6f, middle), indicating that each figure-eight-like architecture at the tips of SCs consists of two adjacent but separated ring-shaped structures of telomeres of homolog chromosomes. Consistent with this idea, desynapsed telomeres in WT diplotene spermatocytes only exhibited ring-shaped structures (...
Sunzi'sArtofWar(Sunzibingfa),isanancientclassiconwar.Itconsistsof13chaptersinabout6,000characters.ItrepresentsthetheoriesofwaroftheSunziSchooloriginatedbySunWu.Ofthemorethan3,000booksonwarfromthepre-QinperiodtotheQingDynasty,Sunzi'sArtofWarstandsoutasthegreatestclassic.Sunzi'sArtofWar Itexcelsovertheother...
Each line consists of a title and a string, separated by a colon. There are no restrictions on the order of lines in the file, although some lines must appear only once. A line beginning with '#' is a comment. Directory definition lines list the directories to be used when creating ...
Sun Cluster software supports the monitoring of quorum devices. Periodically, each node in the cluster tests the ability of the local node to work correctly with each configured quorum device that has a configured path to the local node and is not in maintenance mode. This test consists of an...