GM-CSF and M-CSF are key factors involved in the differentiation of monocytes to macrophages24. Human GM-CSF can polarize monocytes towards the M1 macrophage subtype with a pro-inflammatory cytokine profile (e.g., TNFα, IL-6) (M1-like), while treatment of monocytes with M-CSF produces a...
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These volunteers originated from seeds lost at harvest and were representative of generation g2. The descent of 335 of these plants was collected in bulk and made up generation g3. During these 2 years, there was no other sunflower field at a distance of o400 m from our field. In 2004...
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PS_INSTALL_DIR/bin/psadmin set-attribute -u amadmin -fPASSWORD_FILE-m gateway --gateway-profilePROFILE_NAME-a CookieManagement false To get attribute value: PS_INSTALL_DIR/bin/psadmin get-attribute -u amadmin -fPASSWORD_FILE-m gateway --gateway-profilePROFILE_NAME-a CookieManagement ...
价格 询价 包装 1000000g 2000000g最小起订量 1000000g 发货地 上海 更新日期 2025-01-23QQ交谈 微信洽谈 产品详情 中文名称:SUNE1 Cell|人低分化鼻咽癌细胞 英文名称:SUNE1 Cell 保存条件: 常温培养或液氮冻存 纯度规格: SUNE1 Cell|人低分化鼻咽癌细胞 产品类别: 生物试剂 "SUNE1 Cell|人低分化鼻咽癌细胞...
Bar, 1000 μm. (B) Both Syne-1+/−; Syne-2−/− and Syne-1−/−; Syne-2−/− brains displayed inverted layers in the cerebral cortex (red brackets). (C) The pyramidal cell layers were malformed in Syne-1+/−; Syne-2−/− and Syne-1−/−; Syne-2−/...
3R-1902 #2+TMR-P22TEC-0022 ERY-2 220V 时间继电器 TEC-0023 1304851104TEC-0024 1304881101TEC-0025 1304881110TEC-0026 2246G552000.41NV.48VDC PCRTEC-0027 1783D53B0Z0 41NV.48VDC PCR DETTEC-0028 2820M000000TEC-0029 2246G3520D0 20000TECTEC-0030 RHM0210S1D05S2G70TEC-0031 RH-MD0820-JS3-DH12...
BN-Protein G, 1000 nm, 10 mg/ml, 1 ml(Sunrise Science; CAT# 7231001) BN-Protein G, 1000 nm, 10 mg/ml, 5 ml(Sunrise Science; CAT# 7231005) BN-Silica, 1000 nm, 10 mg/ml, 2 ml(Sunrise Science; CAT# 7271002) BN-Silica, 1000 nm, 10 mg/ml, 10 ml(Sunrise Science; CAT# ...